This time, exit through either of the doorways near the ticket window.
Go down the escalators to another train platform with a huge pile of dirt.
When you step up onto the pile, another thug with a flaming club emerges from between the square columns on the left. Take him out and continue forward.
At the far end of the room shoot out the vent to access SECRET #2—a pit containing shotgun shells.
When you have the secret climb back up through the vent and head to the right, onto the train platform.
Shoot the 2 rats on the tracks. Then, if you like, you can run up the stairs...
...and kill a rabid dog so he won't surprise you later when you re-enter this area from the other side. Do not bother exploring the room ahead. You're still missing an item you'll need there. Instead, return downstairs to the train platform.
Hop down onto the tracks and go to the right...
...toward the purple lights. As you approach the first little door on the right side of the tunnel, a thug comes out and runs along ahead of you into another doorway.
The door he came from of closes behind him. So follow him quickly through the second door so as not to be hit by an oncoming train.
Kill the thug. Then press the button to open two doors outside.
The one you passed a moment ago contains a save/power-up crystal.
The one farther down the tracks is where you're headed next.
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). All rights reserved. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.