Opera House - Ventilation Ducts (Part 1)

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Throw the switch in the DRESSING ROOM to open one of the doors. Slide forward down the ventilation duct.

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Jump at the last minute to grab the ledge ahead and avoid being chopped to bits by the huge fan below.

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Pull up and take the ORNATE KEY.

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Climb the two brick ledges on the right.

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Then turn around so the sloping duct is on Lara's left and the ledge where you found the key is directly ahead and below. Position Lara in the middle of the brick ledge, as shown above. Then side flip to the left onto the sloped duct.

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Slide almost to the end of the duct and then jump forward into the opening ahead. If you miss and fall onto the slope below, quickly jump and grab the ledge where you got the key before. Then climb back up and try again. Kill the rat before proceeding along the duct.

[Part 2 | Return to the Opera House Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.