Opera House - Climbing Down to the Floor

Tomb Raider 2 screenshot
You can draw out the next group of enemies by climbing down to the lower levels in a specific spot. Start by moving to the edge of the large, square opening in the floor, near the doors where the last man and dog entered. Hang from the edge of the opening at the spot indicated in the screenshot above.

Tomb Raider 2 screenshot
You'll hear a click as a door opens below and a goon with a club and 2 more dogs enter. Traverse to the left and drop directly down to LEVEL 2. (If you climb down another way, the door that lets the enemies in may not open until you reach the bottom.)

Tomb Raider 2 screenshot
You can then shoot the man and dogs from here, and they won't be able to reach Lara.

[Return to the Opera House Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.