40 Fathoms - Switches, Doors and Timed Burners (Part 2)

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Inside is another small room with a switch (3). Save the game here if you like. Then flip the switch.

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This turns off the first pair of burners. This switch is timed so as soon as you pull it, press Look to regain Lara's perspective.

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Roll. . .

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. . . and run like mad to the burners (YELLOW path on map): Go out the door, jumping over the threshold if possible to save time.

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Turn left.

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Then run straight down the hall, taking running jumps to cover the ground faster.

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Veer left, jump over the pipe and turn right into the hallway with the burners.

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Flip the switch (4) on the left wall above the second burner.

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This opens door (C) back where you started.

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Press Look and then side flip to the left 3 times to get off the burners before they reignite.

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You can now slow down again, since door C is not timed. Continue straight ahead along the wide corridor, jump over another pipe and turn left.

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Follow the corridor with the portholes to the area with the wet floor.

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Hop over the pipe and Climb into the doorway on the left (C).

[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the 40 Fathoms Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.