Atlantis - Timed Door and "Watch Your Step" Achievement/Trophy

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After obtaining secret #2 and using the switch in the small room up in the southwest corner of the cave, as shown in the previous section, jump into the pool. Swim forward and down to the underwater lever on the right (south) wall.

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
Pull it to open the exit. The door is timed, but it's a fairly long timer, about 45 seconds.

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
Roll, swim forward, then to the left, and surface near the low stone ledge just below the entrance. Climb out of the water here and pull up onto the tall, gray block.

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
Walk forward to the far right corner of the block. Turn right to face the exit. Now, if you've made good time so far, save the game. This next sequence is a little tricky. If you want the "Watch Your Step" achievement/trophy, you can only touch one tile on the side of the pyramid during the next sequence.

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
Angle Lara so she's facing the nearest corner of the flat spot just above and to the left of the second spike pit (outlined in the screenshot above). Press Look to position the camera directly behind Lara to check your angle. Then adjust as needed.

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Hop back, then take a running jump to land on the flat spot. If you didn't trigger the second boulder earlier, do not pause here.

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
Continue holding Jump and Forward as you steer Lara slightly to the right. She should run two steps along the flat tile then take off in another running jump to land on the gray ledge in front of the doorway. The boulder rolls down the side of the pyramid toward the flat spot where Lara was just standing, but she should be long gone by the time it lands in the spike pit below.

If you did trigger the boulder, as described earlier, you can take your time setting up the running jump from the flat spot to the gray ledge in front of the doorway. Just don't go too slowly or the door will close before you get there.

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
If you've made it in time, and not touched any part of the sandy-colored pyramid except that one flat tile, the achievement/trophy should unlock.

NOTE: If you didn't make it in time, either reload that last save or return to the underwater lever, pull it, and try the sequence again. The achievement/trophy should register on a later attempt, even if you accidentally touched the pyramid earlier.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)