After destroying the 2 mutants (29-30), as shown in the previous section, you're free to explore. Head for the middle of the cave. Upon examining this next fleshy creature (OG fans call her "Bacon Lara"), you'll realize she mirrors Lara's movements precisely—including shooting at Lara if Lara shoots first.
NOTE: You'll need to avoid harming the doppelgänger in order to unlock the "Be Like Prince" achievement/trophy, but you'll also need to harm her in order to unlock the "Deadline" achievement/trophy, awarded for finding all 36 ways to die. In order to do both, save the game, shoot the doppelgänger, so she in turn shoots Lara, until Lara dies. Then reload and proceed without harming her.
You must kill her in order to leave, but you'll need to do it indirectly, by luring her into a trap. Here's how: Head for the dark rock formation near the entrance.
Walk up the short ramp and vault up onto the block above the ramp. Turn around and take a standing jump onto the taller block.
As you go, you'll notice how Lara's double mimics her movements using the tan blocks on the other side of the room.
Now take a running jump along the corner of this tall block to land on the left side of the platform with the switch, trapdoor, and square exit door. (Or take a running jump to grab the right edge and pull up.)
Pull the switch to open the trapdoor, revealing a lava pit below. You now have about 40 seconds before the trapdoor closes. So you don't need to rush, but don't dawdle either.
Roll and run past the exit door toward the edge of the platform. Veer to the left a bit and take a running jump off the edge to land on (or grab) the angled, tan block against the left wall. (You can probably take the time to set up this jump, or just jump straight forward to land on the ramp below the angled block, turn left, and climb up.)
Step forward, turn a bit to the right, and take a standing jump onto the taller tan block.
The camera shifts to emphasize the svelte beauty of Bacon Lara. Briefly press look to get Lara's perspective back. Then take a running jump along the corner of the pillar to land on the jutting left edge of the platform ahead. (Or take a running jump to grab the right edge and pull up.)
Run to the middle of the platform. The doppelgänger should then run to the middle on her side and fall into the lava pit.
If you manage to do this without being injured by the doppelgänger (i.e., not harming her with weapons, so she doesn't harm Lara), you'll unlock the "Be Like Prince" achievement/trophy.
When Bacon Lara becomes Extra Crispy Bacon Lara™, the exit door near the lava pit opens.
Drop down to the floor, climb back up the dark rocks, jump over to the platform near the exit, and go through.
NOTE: Since you defeat the doppelgänger indirectly, she does not count as one of the official kills.
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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like or your browser's web store.)
Walkthrough text and diagrams copyright © Stellalune (email ). Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission.