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THE NIGHTMARE DLC - Path of Fear Side Mission and
Howl of the Monkey Gods Challenge Tomb

Updated: --/--/19()

Weapons/Gear: Grip of Fear Axe and Grip of Fear - White Knuckle variant
Outfits: Scales of Q and Scales of Q - Feathered Serpent variant
Challenge Tombs:Missions:Relics: --  Documents: --  Murals: --
Annotated Level Map: Hidden City ------------ Detail

NOTE: None of the collectibles in this DLC count toward 100% completion for Paititi or the main game. The basic outfit and weapon are unlocked as soon as you install the DLC. The White Knuckle and Feathered Serpent variants and the White Breath Skill are unlocked upon completing the Path of Fear Side Mission.

ABOUT THIS DLC: The third major DLC pack for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, titled The Nightmare, was released January 22, 2019. It is included in the Season Pass but can also be purchased separately from Steam, the Xbox Store, and the PlayStation Store.

The Nightmare includes a story mission, which takes place in Paititi but includes a brief Croft Manor sequence, as well as a Challenge Tomb, which can be played as part of the mission or separately, from the CHALLENGE TOMBS section of the Main Menu, in Exploration, Score Attack, or Time Attack mode. This DLC also includes 5 Achievements/Trophies.

If you just want to explore the tomb or try one of the Attack modes, you can access these from the main menu. Choose CHALLENGE TOMBS > Additional Tombs > Howl of the Monkey Gods. You're then prompted to select either Score Attack (similar to the same mode from Rise of the Tomb Raider), Time Attack (reach the stele as quickly as possible), or Exploration mode.

This guide covers the entire side mission. Follow this link to skip down to the CHALLENGE TOMB WALKTHROUGH. Check out Treeble's videos for Score Attack and Time Attack runs.

PATH OF FEAR SIDE MISSION: To start the mission, you must progress to the point in the main story where Lara reaches the MISSION OF SAN JUAN. Then fast travel back to Skull Cave in the Hidden City. The Mission Givers, Jonah and Uchu, can be found near the Skull Cave Base Camp. (screenshots)

Uchu tells Lara about the White Breath, a weapon hidden in a treacherous area outside the city. Believing it could help the rebels' cause, she offers to go after it.

HIDDEN CITY – SKULL CAVE & FLOODED CAVERNS: After the cutscene, the PATH OF FEAR is noted on the Side Missions screen, along with its first objective: Take the Passage through the Water. Jump into the pool on the north side of the cave. Pry some jade out of the left wall, then swim through flooded passageway. (screenshot) As Lara squeezes through the narrow opening ahead, your objective updates: Locate the Path of Fear. Continue swimming forward until you can surface and climb out of the water in a cavern with carved statues, greenery, and sunlight filtering in from above. Climb onto the ledge with the carved statue to find a box of cloth. (screenshot) Then continue through the next flooded passageway to the north until you can surface again in another sunlit cave. (screenshot)

Climb out of the water onto the little, stone island on the right side of the cave. Climb on top of this island, turn left (north), and jump over the water to grapple the climbable wall ahead. Climb the cable until Lara latches onto the wall. Continue climbing up and to the left. Then jump out to the left and grapple the overhang so Lara is dangling above the pool. Adjust the length of the cable if necessary. Then swing and jump through the opening into the next pool to the north. (screenshots)

NOTE: Alternatively, you can jump from the little island to the climbable wall to the east. Then work your way around the cavern to the right, until you can use the dangling vine to swing out and grapple the ceiling. Then swing and jump into the next pool.

Swim forward toward the large, well-lit gap in the rocks, then around behind the jutting rock formation on the right. Climb out of the water here. Vault up onto the rocks, turn right, and move out onto the jutting edge overlooking the pool. From there, jump over the water and latch onto the climbable wall. Climb up and to the left. Again, jump out and grapple the overhang above on the left so Lara is dangling above the pool. This time, climb the cable until Lara latches onto the overhang. Climb the angled ceiling to the handhold above. Then scramble up onto the ledge above, where you're greeted with a majestic view of the valley and some nearby ruins. (screenshots)

OVERGROWN RUINS: To get inside, follow the rocky ledge on the left to the end. Then use the dangling vine to swing over to the ledge in front of the raised doorway. Proceed through the building and out the other side. Continue along the path and approach the Paititian woman to trigger a cutscene. (screenshots)

Lara moves around in front of the woman to get her attention. The woman then blows into the vessel she's holding, sending a cloud of white powder into Lara's face. Lara chokes, staggers, and falls to the ground as the powerful hallucinogen takes effect. She awakens—or seems to, anyway—back in her childhood home. She finds herself in her mother's studio, warm sunlight angling in from outdoors. But what begins as a pleasant reverie soon turns into the bad dream promised in the DLC's title.

CROFT MANOR: When you regain control, head through the doorway into the room with the giant chessboard, now transformed into something out of a horror movie. The White Queen/Amelia and her knights won't hurt you, so you can poke around this area if you like. Then open the doors on the left to exit into the hallway. (screenshot) Continue past several disturbing dioramas featuring Lara's early life. At the end of the corridor, approach Richard and young Lara.

Lara reaches out a hand to touch her younger self only to plunge through the floor into a murky pool.

FLOODED PASSAGEWAY WITH DEAD BODIES: When you're able to move again, swim toward the blue light. (screenshot) Use your axe to break down the wooden barrier and swim through. Swim along the creepy tunnel, past drowned corpses, including a few you'll recognize if you've played the other games in this trilogy. Continue along the passageway, following it through a few turns, then up a long, purple-lit slope lined with hands and other body parts. Near the end of this tunnel is a jump scare.

Ana, Richard's lady friend and one of the antagonists in Rise of the Tomb Raider, reaches out and grabs Lara's arm. She struggles free and hauls herself out of the water. She glimpses Jonah at the end of the tunnel ahead and hears him shouting for help as the Yaaxil chase him.

DARK TUNNELS WITH NIGHTMARE ENEMIES: Now you're armed with a PISTOL. It's not very powerful, but it has unlimited ammunition. It's good enough for these imaginary Yaaxil, which aren't very strong. Even if you can't land perfect headshots, a few hits to the body should cause each of them to vanish. As in the Cenote, you can also shoot the detonate the glowing, green containers to injure any nearby enemies. (screenshot) When you've taken care of the first few Yaaxil, follow the tunnel that slopes upward to the left. (screenshot) Before climbing onto the next low ledge, wait for another Yaaxil to drop down from above. Shoot it, then climb up. (screenshot)

Use any of the low walls here for cover as you fight the next group of enemies. Again, you can take out a few at a time if you aim for the green orbs. (screenshots) As you shoot some of the Yaaxil, they transform into Trinity soldiers, and you must kill them again. Fortunately none of them are very tough. Just keep firing and try to keep your head. Remember, it's just a bad trip within a videogame, not real. ;-) Continue advancing along the passageway, taking out Yaaxil, Trinity operatives, then a few cultists.

When you reach the end of the tunnel, where the lighting turns greeinsh and the passage widens into a cave with dangling bodies, you'll hear Jonah yelling for help as enemies close in from all sides. (screenshot) At this point there's nothing you can do except let events unfold.

The Yaaxil swarm over Lara, she blacks out, and the scene shifts to Cozumel.

COZUMEL TOWN SQUARE: Walk forward, then squeeze between the mourners on the left and move down the steps. (screenshot) As you enter the square, some of the locals turn to stare, and you hear Jonah shout, "You don't know that you caused all this, Lara!" Instead of a festive celebration, the square transforms into a flooded ruin with drowned bodies strewn about. All of the mourners now lie dead on the ground. Make your way around to the left, through the shallow water, to reach the big, wooden doors. (screenshot) Push them open to enter the next area.

CROFT MANOR GRAVEYARD: Lara hears Jonah calling for help from somewhere nearby. Notice the flashing light, like the ones that mark survival caches, near one of the graves ahead on the right. Approach the grave and press Interact to dig. (screenshots)

Lara scrabbles in the dirt only to hear Jonah calling from the other side of the cemetery.

Head for the flashing light, which is now off to the left. (screenshots) When you start digging there, Jonah's voice moves again. This time, approach the grave directly in front of the iron gate and start to dig. (screenshot)

Lara reaches into the earth, grasps a hand, and pulls. But instead of Jonah, an angry, muddy doppelgänger emerges from the grave. She lays into Lara, calling her a "little cancer," and reminding her of all the death and devastation she has wrought, brandishing the pistol and urging her to end it all. But Lara resists and finally emerges from the hallucination back in Paititi, shaken but still alive.

She speaks to Jonah, then Uchu, on the radio. Uchu tells her she's proven herself worthy and must now enter the Valley of the Monkey Gods to retrieve the recipe for the White Breath.

CHALLENGE TOMB ENTRANCE: After the cutscene, you have a new objective: Enter the Tomb. The entrance to the tomb is just ahead through the narrow crevice in the rocks. (screenshot)

NOTE: You can also play the tomb from the CHALLENGE TOMBS section of the main menu. This is where you access Score Attack and Time Attack modes. See the intro for more info. The walkthrough below also applies to Exploration mode, although there are no documents and relics in that mode.


If you're playing the Path of Fear Side Mission, as you enter the valley, your goal will be updated: Locate the White Breath.





-------------. Examine the tomb stele to unlock the Path Skill: White Breath, which ------------------. After examining the stele, the tomb is complete, and you unlock the Monkey Do Achievement/Trophy.

-------------------: If you're playing the Path of Fear Side Mission, you're automatically returned to the tomb entrance ------------------. You'll need to --------------- in order to complete the mission.

Completing the mission earns a few rewards: the GRIP OF FEAR - WHITE KNUCKLE axe and the Scales of Q - Feathered Serpent Outfit. If this is your first time playing the mission, you'll also unlock the Harmony Achievement/Trophy. To unlock the Creature Comforts Achievement/Trophy, go to any Base Camp and equip this weapon and outfit combination.

The other Achievements/Trophies for this DLC, Howl Long and Organ Grinder, require you to earn a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Time Attack or Score Attack mode, respectively. To do this, select CHALLENGE TOMBS from the Main Menu. Then choose Forge of Destiny from the list. Select Score Attack or Time Attack on the next screen and proceed. Again, check out Treeble's videos for Score Attack and Time Attack for tips.

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[Kuwaq Yaku Walkthrough | Main SOTTR Page]

UPDATE HISTORY: 11/24/18 - First draft of walkthrough posted online.
12/20/18 - Made a few minor changes for clarity.
1/6/19 - Added note about when this DLC becomes accessible during the story progression. Thanks to Soumya for the heads-up.
2/10/19 - Added Score Attack and Time Attack videos, thanks to Treeble.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at tombraiders.net/stella/community.html. If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit tombraiders.net/stella/support.html. As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.