Moraekah and her sidekick, Rimak the drummer, travel around the countryside selling useful items, including the LOCK PICK and ROPE ASCENDER, which you will need to access certain areas if you want to find every major collectible item. Here's a list of her wares and the locations where she can be found.
GEAR & AMMO: LASER SIGHT - for all rifles (2,800 gp), ROPE ASCENDER (3,300 gp), LOCKPICK (2,800 gp), Venom (for poison ammo), Dart Poison (for fear arrows), Flare Rounds, Poison Grenades, Fear Arrows. (Some of these unlock later in the game when you have the skills to use them.)
OUTFITS: Crimson Huntress - more XP from hunting, increased duration for Focus herb effects (7,200 gp)
Note that once you've visited Moraekah in a given location, if you return there, she will have moved on to the next one. So if you can't find her right away, just check the various locations listed below and you should eventually run into her. If you've seen her anywhere else, please let me know so I can update this page.
LOCATION 1: You'll probably first encounter her if you complete the Dice with the Dead Side Mission. For a little while after you complete the mission, she can be found outside a house on the tier just above and to the southwest of the bridge leading to the upper city. (I also found her here wile working on one of the DLC missions after completing the main story.)
LOCATION 1: This is the location on the map.
LOCATION 2: After you've been exploring the city for a while, but before you reach the UPPER CITY in the southeast, Moraekah can be found in the northeast area with many small, terraced pools. She and Rimak are in the shelter at the bottom of the zip line. (I also found her here wile working on one of the DLC missions after completing the main story.)
LOCATION 2: Here on the map.
LOCATION 3: Once you gain access to the upper city, you can find Moraekah here, on the east side in a little room at the bottom of a flight of stairs.
LOCATION 3: It's here on the map.
LOCATION 4: The first time you visit the MISSION OF SAN JUAN during the main story, you can find Moraekah near the entrance to the Tree of Life Challenge Tomb, just south of the Deserted Cloisters Base Camp.
LOCATION 4: Here's the map location.
LOCATION 5: During the City of the Serpent chapter (i.e., after completing the MISSION OF SAN JUAN level), Moraekah can be found in Kuwaq Yaku, just east of the Hunting Grounds Base Camp.
LOCATION 5: Here's the spot on the map.
LOCATION 6: Late in the game, after completing the main story, I found Moraekah near the Quipu Overlook Base Camp.
LOCATION 6: This is in the "Location Unknown" between the Trial of the Eagle and Hidden City areas.
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