Peruvian Jungle – Flower Picker and Ruffled Feathers Challenges

You can work on these two challenges at the same time, since all of the challenge items are in this first area. If you like you can skip down to the Ruffled Feathers Challenge. Challenge items are also marked with colored dots on the annotated level map.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
For the Flower Picker challenge, look for clumps of blue flowers sitting on the branches of climbable trees. If you followed this walkthrough, you probably picked the first one when you climbed this tree...

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot order to cut the second rope and get Lara's gear down. We'll count this as flower (1/5).

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
If you then start at the yellow storage crates where Lara found her gear and head due south, around either side of these two big trees...

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot'll soon come to a climbable tree.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
The vine encircling the tree and the branch with the flowers above will glow in Survival Instinct if you've unlocked the Owl's Wisdom skill.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Scramble up the tree and pick the flowers (2/5). (While you're at it, you can jump onto the ledge to the south to get relic #3, which is covered separately in the main walkthrough. When you have it, jump back to this branch.)

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
After picking the flower shown above, turn around on the branch to face north, away from the ledge. Jump to grab the curved vine and swing over to the next branch.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Jump to the next branch...

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
...and pick another bunch of flowers (3/5).

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Jump to grab the next dangling vine, swing and jump onto the branch ahead on the right.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
There's a nest containing some feathers here but no flowers. Jump from this branch to the next one.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
To find more flowers (4/5).

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Now, either drop down or jump to the next dangling vine and swing down onto the angled rock with the wooden slats set into the ground.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Gather some more feathers and then scamper up the fallen tree trunk to the end.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Jump onto the jutting branch.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Pick this last bunch of flowers (5/5) to complete the challenge.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Again, there's no correct order for completing the Ruffled Feathers Challenge. You just need to find and shoot down 4 orpendola nests. If you have the Owl's Wisdom skill, they'll glow in Survival Instinct, like this one, hanging just southeast of the boxes where Lara's gear was stowed.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Shoot it down with your bow...

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot initiate the challenge. We'll call this nest (1/2).

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
If you run to where the first nest fell and look to the left (northeast), you'll spot another nest (2/4). It's hanging near the craggy wall that requires climbing axes. Shoot the nest down.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
There's another nest (3/4) dangling above the muddy path that runs along the northeast side of the area, leading back toward the base camp.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
There's another nest (4/4) dangling above the gorge on the west side of this area, just beyond the rope-wrapped post you'll use to cross the ravine.

NOTE: There are two more nests on the other side of the ravine, but you won't need them if you shoot down these four. They are covered in the next section of the walkthrough and in the Challenges Section of the Quick Collectibles Guide.

[Peruvian Jungle Walkthrough]