The Acropolis - Canyon Pathway to the Acropolis

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Use the fallen tree to cross the wide gap between ledges. Then turn right.

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Jump across another gap and scramble up the rock wall into the narrow canyon leading off to the east.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Continue past a small waterfall...

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot a dead end above a deep pit. Jump across the pit and latch onto the climbable wall. Climb up and around...

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...until you're able to dismount on the ledge on the upper right.

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At the top of the next flight of stairs, your goal is updated: Enter the Acropolis. Use an arrow to create a rope line so you can cross the next wide gap.

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Then swim through the flooded tunnel...

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot a ledge overlooking the Acropolis. As you move forward, two Trinity helicopters pass overhead on their way to the tower.

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Continue down the path to the deserted marketplace.

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The Remnant Bazaar Base Camp is on the hillside to your left. You can stop here to rest and regroup if you like.

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