Continue downstairs to a landing with an AMMO CACHE and health pack. Ahead is the trap mentioned in the Challenge: Survive the Trap Without Taking Damage. Equip a powerful weapon that's fairly easy to aim, like the rocket launcher, railgun, or even the rifle you just picked up. When you're ready, jump across the gap onto the rotating gear.
Flame vents activate on the ledges ahead and behind, preventing you from moving off the gear, Marks of Set appear on each ledge, and mummies with bows begin to emerge.
The goal is to avoid taking damage from the mummies' triple fire and/or ice arrows until you manage to kill them all. In the co-op game you might want to have one player use the Staff to close the Marks while the other(s) concentrate on destroying the mummies. In single-player I found it easier to just focus on fighting and avoiding injury, letting the Marks close on their own.
Each time you see 3 flame arrows (or occasionally ice arrows) coming toward you...
...try to shift your position so they pass on either side of you.
This gets more challenging as multiple enemies appear and start shooting from both sides. Try and kill them as quickly as you can. Again, one-shot-kill weapons like the rocket launcher and railgun can really help with this.
If you do take damage, it's possible to reset the challenge.
Just open the pause menu and choose "Reload Checkpoint." This will put you back on the ledge before the trap is sprung so you can try again. You can do this as many times as needed to beat the challenge, as long as you don't trigger the next checkpoint.
After a bit of fighting the Marks of Set on the left and right close on their own. When you finish off the last enemy... long as you avoided taking damage, you'll receive a MAX HEALTH UPGRADE for beating the challenge.
After defeating the mummies, you must still deal with the flame traps. In the single-player game grapple the golden ring on the ledge above and climb up. In co-op have an archaeologist grapple the ring so an Egyptian can tightrope walk up the cable to the ledge.
Use the Staff to destroy the third Mark of Set there. This deactivates the flames.
Jump back down onto the gear, gather up any gems and supplies the enemies dropped, replenish your ammo at the AMMO CACHE if necessary, and continue to the right.
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