In the co-op game, this area is basically the same as in single-player, except there is no Eye of Horus switch. Instead, one of the archaeologists must grapple the golden ring near the first pressure pad so another character can tightrope walk over the flame vents in order to reach the pad. The player with the grapple will need to move carefully to avoid being hit by the flame jet on the moving gear. Again, equipping fire-resistance items is a good idea here.
Stepping on the first pad deactivates the flames on the corner of this ledge, as well as one set on the other side of the room.
Grapple the ring on the ledge to the left so another character can cross over and step on the second pressure pad.
This extinguishes the flames on the corner of this ledge and also the ones near the third pressure pad, off to the right.
In 2-player co-op the vents stay off even if you move away from the pressure pad.
In the 3-and 4-player games, if you move off the pressure pad, the flames will re-ignite.
So one player needs to stand on the second pad while another jumps over to the third pressure pad.
Depressing this pad shuts off most of the fire in this area. (The strip along the walkway to the right remains lit.) You can now make your way to the exit at the upper right.
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