Tomb Raider: Underworld Cheat Codes

XBOX 360:

IMPORTANT: The following cheats work in the original, unpatched version of the game. If you play Underworld while connected to Xbox LIVE, or if you download the "Beneath the Ashes" and/or "Lara's Shadow" bonus levels, you will receive a game update which disables the cheats. For a work-around to keep the cheats enabled, see the footnote below.

       Bulletproof Lara: Hold LT and press A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB.
       One-Shot Kill: Hold LT and press Y, A, Y, X, LB, B.
       Show Enemy Health: Hold LT and press X, B, A, LB, RT, Y.

       In each case, if you enter the code correctly, a chime sounds.


       Bulletproof Lara: Hold L2 and press X, R2, Triangle, R2, Square, L1.
       One-Shot Kill: Hold L2 and press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, L1, Circle.
       Show Enemy Health: Hold L2 and press Square, Circle, X, L1, R2, Triangle.

       In each case, if you enter the code correctly, a chime sounds.


       Bulletproof Lara: Hold L1 and press X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, L2.
       One-Shot Kill: Hold L1 and press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, L2, Circle.
       Show Enemy Health: Hold L1 and press Square, Circle, X, L2, R1, Triangle.

       In each case, if you enter the code correctly, a chime sounds.


       Bulletproof Lara:
       PC Function: Hold Target Lock and press Jump, Fire, Interact, Fire, Grapple, Sprint
       Default PC Keys: Hold Right Mouse Button/G and press Space, Left Mouse Button/H, E, Left Mouse Button/H, Q, Shift
       Windows Xbox 360 controller: Hold LT and press A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB

       One-Shot Kill:
       PC Function: Hold Target Lock and press Interact, Jump, Interact, Grapple, Sprint, Crouch
       Default PC Keys: Hold Right Mouse Button/G and press E, Space, E, Q, Shift, Ctrl
       Windows Xbox 360 controller: Hold LT and press Y, A, Y, X, LB, B

       Show Enemy Health:
       PC Function: Hold Target Lock and press Grapple, Crouch, Jump, Sprint, Fire, Interact
       Default PC Keys: Hold Right Mouse Button/G and press Q, Ctrl, Space, Shift, Left Mouse Button/H, E
       Windows Xbox 360 controller: Hold LT and press X, B, A, LB, RT, Y

       In each case, if you enter the code correctly, a chime sounds.

I'm not aware of any cheats for the Wii game, but if you know something I don't, please write.

Cheats | TR Underworld | main page

XBOX CHEAT CODES - UPDATE: If your Xbox 360 is connected to Xbox Live (via the internet) then you are prompted to download an update for the game when you put the disc in for the first time. If you download this update it patches the game negating the cheats, which were not supposed to be included in the game. People playing the game for the first time can avoid it by just unplugging their internet while playing. You will still be able to unlock achievements.

Note that the update does include some bug fixes, so you might want to keep that in mind when deciding whether or not to download it. Also, you will not be able to download the "Beneath the Ashes" and/or "Lara's Shadow" bonus levels without also receiving the update.

If you have already downloaded the update, you have to clear your cache to remove it. Instructions for doing this can be found at Doing this will also remove any updates you may have downloaded for other games. You will need to reinstall those later. So do this at your own risk. is not responsible for any problems this may cause in Underworld or other games.

Thanks to Taylor and RG for sharing the Underworld info and Laracroftswest, who apparently made the original discovery that some of the Legend cheat codes work in this game. I'm also grateful to Austin for the heads-up about the Xbox patch, to Kendall and Marie for this useful work-around for re-enabling the cheats, and to Bruno for sending in a correction for the PC cheats using the Xbox controller. For more info on how the codes work and links to the forum threads where these discoveries were first posted, please visit RG's Tomb Raider Fan Site.

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