Mountain Village - Canyon East of the Village - Part 3

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
From the grassy column where you found the last GPS cache (10/15), jump down to the column below and to the southwest. Crack open the salvage crate. Then follow the path up and around to the left.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Here you'll find another statue (7/10) you can set aflame.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Go around to the right side of the statue, stand near the anchor post there and shoot a rope arrow into the rope-wrapped tree on the next column to the northeast.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Slide down there. Then jump up onto the ledge on the right where you'll find another nest (4/5) for the challenge. Jump back down to the ledge where your rope is anchored.

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Move around to the other side of it and scramble up the wooden wall.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
At the top, sitting under a little roof, is another document (4/7) from the Ancient Scrolls series.

[Part 2 | Return to the Mountain Village Walkthrough]