Realm of the Dead - Climbing the First Shaft

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Jump to grab the metal bar at the bottom of the lowest exposed section of wall. Jump up to grab the round valve handles above. Then climb upward and to the right onto the ladder.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Climb the ladder a little higher and then move to the right to grab the next set of valve handles. Climb these diagonally upward and to the right. When Lara can't climb any farther, jump straight up to grab the valve handles above. (This jump is indicated by the broken arrow in the picture above.) Continue climbing upward and to the left until Lara is hanging onto the second ladder.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Climb to the top of this ladder and then to the left and upward across another group of valve handles. When you can't go any farther, jump straight up to grab the metal bar above. Jump up twice more to reach the metal bar spanning the entire wall. Climb around the corner to the left and pull up onto the ledge above.

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