n the next room is a large, shallow pool with wide staircases on two sides. In the pool are 2 underwater levers and a small gate.
Hop into the pool, turn around, and pull the lever just below the steps to open the gate. It is timed to close quickly, so immediately roll...
...and swim for it.
The gate closes behind you, but it reopens as soon as you swim a little farther in and the chime sounds for SECRET #4. So if you're running out of air, you can swim back out, take a breath, and then return for the items.
The goodies—grenades, flares and a large medi pack—are lying on the floor at the far end of the little room.
NOTES: You will not be able to get this secret if you didn't use the switch in the room with secret #3. You can pull the underwater lever, but unless you used that switch earlier the gate won't open. There is no way to get back to the third secret from here. So if you missed the switch, you can either go on without this secret, reload an earlier save and play through that section again, or download a save file that includes both secrets.
Also, note that each grenade pickup is actually a pair of grenades. If you don't yet have the GRENADE LAUNCHER, it's counted as '1' pair of grenades in your inventory. Later, when you obtain the launcher, the number of grenades in your inventory will appear to double, but actually the game starts counting individual grenades instead of pairs. For details on how ammo is tracked in your inventory, see the TR3 Controls page.
Copyright © 1998- - Stellalune ( ). All rights reserved. The screenshots and videos included here were made using Fraps and the classic Tomb Raider widescreen patch by Mr. Fourblack. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.