Shakespeare Cliff - Drill Shaft

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At the top of the stairs is an open shaft with a huge drill above.

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Note the location of the ladder on the inside wall at the far side of the shaft.

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Go around to the far left corner of the room.

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, position Lara with her chest against the outer wall and her back toward the shaft and the ladder. The small gray plaque with the red lightning bolt on it should be behind Lara.

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Backflip onto the slope above the ladder...

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...and hold Action as you slide to grab the edge. As soon as Lara lands on the slope, the drill begins to descend. So climb down the ladder as quickly as you can. Rapidly pressing and releasing Action will help Lara make a quick descent.

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Climb down only as far as the bottom of the blue wall. Below that, there's a fire trap. Climb as far to the left as you can before dropping onto the ledge.

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Stand close to the wall for a moment after letting go of the ladder to avoid being toasted by another fire trap on this ledge. When the flame abates, move to the other side of the ledge and pick up the MP5 clips.

NOTE: If you don't yet have the MP5 SUBMACHINE GUN, you'll get it here instead of the clips.

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Now wait for the two huge drills to go past...

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...before taking a running jump across the shaft toward the ledge in front of the giant exhaust fan.

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