This secret is located behind the gate in the hallway leading
to the zip line.
After you ride the zip line down to MONKEY ISLAND, the gate to the secret will open. Before you head back there, be sure to retrieve the SECOND AVIARY KEY and the 2 rockets on the island, as described in the main walkthrough. To reach the secret, cross the wooden walkway to the right of the zip line handle and go through the gate, which opened when you slid into this area.
Instead of re-entering the room with the spiked walkways immediately turn right. Go up the stairs...
...and through the gate with the switch (the same way you came before).
Pass through the small room with the brick pedestal...
...and continue to the end of the brick-floored hallway. Now the gate is open and you can go in and get the goodies.
This is SECRET #2: small and large medi packs and 2 sets of Desert Eagle clips. If you didn't shoot all 3 monkeys on the island, one of them may have stolen the small medi pack from the secret area. Don't worry; we'll find it in a moment.
NOTE: If you don't yet have the DESERT EAGLE PISTOL, you'll get it here in place of one of one set of clips.
If you killed all the monkeys and picked up all the small medipacks in this area, exit the SECRET COURTYARD and go through the first doorway on the left. Climb up to the zip line and ride it back down to MONKEY ISLAND.
- OR -
If you let the monkeys live, follow the brick-floored hallway away from the SECRET COURTYARD. At the end of the hallway, turn right.
Go through the room with the brick pedestal...
...back downstairs, and through the doorway on the right into the room with the spiked walkways.
Go around the square tree trunk and down the first few steps.
Then turn left and look in the little niche behind the broad-leafed plant for the medi packsthere may be up to four of them, depending on how many the monkeys were able to steal. (See the note at the end of the main walkthrough for details.)
When you have everything, exit through the gate between the two sets of stairs, and cross the wooden walkway to MONKEY ISLAND.
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). All rights reserved. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.