Nightmare in Vegas - Elevator Shaft, Rooftop and Bird Monster Cage Part 2
Secret #3 Gold Skull

This is part 2 of a 3-part sequence. See here for Part 1.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
At the very bottom is the BIRD MONSTER'S CAGE with SECRET #3, the gold skull. Grab it as quickly as you can.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Roll and run/jump past the monster, who will have caught up with you by now.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Then head back up the ramps toward the elevator, again jumping over the glass as you go. There's glass here on the first landing. . .

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
. . . and more glass here on the second landing.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
At the top of the last ramp, turn right, then left into the hallway where you started.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Run forward then left into the alcove with the elevator.

[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Nightmare in Vegas Walkthrough]