Nightmare in Vegas - Climbing the Sculpture Back to the Upper Level

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Climb the side of the sculpture that faces the SWIMMING POOL—upward, a little to the right and then up again to a flat spot with some Uzi clips.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
After picking up the ammo, walk to the top of the slope and turn a little to the left so Lara is facing the right side of the steeply angled slope to her left. Then take a standing jump onto the slope, slide back, and grab the edge.

NOTE: When making this jump, be sure to aim for the left side of the slope. If Lara lands too far to the right, her feet will touch the slope below before she can grab and she'll slide down to the floor. Then you'll have to climb back up again.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Climb to the right and then continue scaling the main vertical part of the sculpture.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
As you climb, count the seams between the textures on the side of the sculpture, not including the seam where you start. There's an angled seam, then a horizontal seam, then another horizontal seam. Position Lara's hands on this third seam and press Jump (or Jump + Roll). . .

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
. . .  so she leaps off the sculpture and lands on the jutting cement ledge behind her. Move forward into the HALLWAY WITH GARISH CARPET and vault up onto the carpeted step ahead.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Shoot the 2 bad guys with clubs who come down the ramp.

NOTE: You could instead climb all the way to the top of the sculpture, where you got the large medi pack earlier. Then turn around and take a running jump onto the ledge like you did before. You'll then enter the HALLWAY WITH THE GARISH CARPET from the upper entrance instead.

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