Furnace of the Gods - Cavern with Molten Gold Volcano Part 2
Break-Away Tiles and Funnel to the Exit

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
At the bottom of the ladder, drop onto the breakaway tiles.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Run forward and then make a U-turn around to the left.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Keep running and jump at the edge of the tiles to clear the gap and land on the breakaway tile on the other side. Continue forward onto the solid block with the large medi pack.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Turn around, walk to the edge, sidestep to the left and then take a standing jump forward.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Lara will land at the top of the brown area of the funnel, losing a little bit of health but not too much. She'll then slide down the slope into the hole that eventually leads to the level exit.

[Part 2 | Return to the Furnace of the Gods Walkthrough]