On the left side of the first polar bear's cave there is a small, square opening. Step through it onto a ledge above water. Save the game here.
If you look down, you'll see a block with a bundle of harpoons on top.
Walk to the edge, hop back once and then take a standing jump forward. . .
. . . to land on the block. Make sure you nail this jump; if you don't Lara will be swept downstream, missing a kill and two pickups. If you don't make it, reload and try again. Once you land on the block, pick up the harpoons, turn right, and jump down into the shallow water.
Advance carefully into the cave. As soon as you step from the water onto the snow, a second polar bear appears. Backflip twice to land in thigh-deep water.
The bear won't come out that far. So you can draw pistols and shoot it from safety. Don't go beyond the drop-off, though, or the current will drag Lara downstream. Afterward retrieve 2 sets of Uzi clips from the bear's lair.
NOTE: If you don't already have the UZIS, you'll get them here instead of the second set of clips.
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