The safe spot is on top of the boulder between the two spiked logs on the right side of the open area when facing the temple. It's outlined in the screenshot above. Do not run directly toward it at the start of the battle, though. If you do the T. rex will most likely follow, and the "safe" spot won't be so safe after all.
 Instead, start by luring the T. rex away from the safe spot. What worked best for me was to run for the spiked log to the left of the safe spot (i.e., to the right if Lara's back is toward the two spiked logs, as shown in the screenshot above). If possible, shoot at the T. rex as you go until it becomes enraged (as described in the main walkthrough). Wait for the dinosaur to charge and then dodge to the left (i.e., toward the safe boulder).
 Even if the adrenaline dodge move doesn't work, and the T. rex gets a bite of Lara, it will be distracted momentarily and you can then jump past it, run to the safe spot and climb onto the boulder.
 Move into the little depression where the boulder meets the cave wall. It may help to crouch down, as shown above. You can then shift the camera to look outward and see what the T. rex is doing. Hopefully he will have lost interest in Lara and just stand around thinking reptilian thoughts. If he's going to attack, he'll do it fairly quickly. If not, then you'll know it's safe to stand up and take aim.
 Here Lara is in position on top of the boulder with her back against the wall.
 Here Lara is in the same spot as in the previous screenshot, only we see from her point of view. The T. rex is still standing near the spiked log where it ended up after the charge. It seems oblivious to Lara's presence.
If you shoot at the rex long enough, his rage meter will max out and he may charge. Then Lara is in trouble. Instead shoot until the rage meter almost reaches the maximum (as shown above), then stop shooting, wait for the beast to calm down before starting to shoot again. Killing the big dinosaur this way takes a while, but when you have finally whittled its health bar down to near zero, the next cut scene starts.
NOTE: Ellymelly and ac_troll, the players who told me about this safe spot, mentioned luring the T. rex right up to the boulder without it being able to reach Lara. This worked occasionally for me but not every time.
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