Go to the left side of the ledge, wait for the horizontal bar on
the turning wheel to move toward you and then jump to grab it. Swing around and, when the wheel turns so Lara is nearest wood-and-rock structure in the middle of the waterfall ahead, jump to grab it. Climb around to the right.
 Then jump up, climb to the right again, then jump up again to grab the highest rock handhold. Then jump back . . .
 . . . to grab the ledge behind. Pull up and follow the tunnel to the switch. Use it to open a barred opening underwater somewhere.
Return the way you just came to the higher tunnel opening, drop and hang from the edge, climb to the right and then drop to grab the handhold below. Climb to the right and jump to grab the handhold on the other side of the wooden platform. Continue as written in the main walkthrough.
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