Solarii Fortress - Combat in the Street Below the Palace - Part 2

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Once you've killed the enemies in the building on the right, a stealthy guy with a shotgun moves toward you along the street, and 2 riflemen appear in the building ahead on the right. Take them out with rifle or grenades.

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If you have difficulty spotting approaching enemies in the dim light and smoke of the battle, use Survival Instinct.

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After you've dealt with these three, run across the street and up the steps to the landing between the first two buildings. As the next group of enemies spawns, grab 2 boxes of rifle ammo and turn to face the street.

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Take out another shotgun guy as he climbs up toward you.

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Meanwhile, an armored dude with a pole arm lumbers around to your right and climbs the stairs. Either pepper him with rifle rounds or use the Dodge Counter maneuver: Hold Aim to and keep him in your sights as he approaches.

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Then, when he swings at Lara, press Dodge/Roll (Shift/Circle/B) as you move to the left or right.

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Press the Melee button in time with the on-screen prompt.

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If your timing is right, the Dodge Counter icon flashes briefly on screen...

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...and Lara stabs Big Nasty in the leg with an arrow.

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Because he is so heavily armored, this won't hurt him much, but it will throw him off balance momentarily. Blast him a few times with the shotgun to destroy his armor then kill him.

[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Solarii Fortress Walkthrough]