Chasm Stronghold - Lara vs. the Stormguard Army - Part 4

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When you're ready, move up the fallen column to the area on the other side of the gap. Jump down onto the sandy path on the right.

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Two archers open fire from the building above, and 2 pikemen with shields come down the hill toward you.

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If you can take out the archers first, do so. You may need to use rope arrows to pull down the wooden barriers so they can't hide. (You can also shoot the barriers, but this wastes ammo.)

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Once the barriers come down, you can quickly kill the archers.

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If you don't have time to take out the archers first, just concentrate on the pikemen. Shoot at their exposed parts as they approach.

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Use the exploding balloon if it's convenient, and if any of them manage to get close, use the Dodge Counter.

Lara has the advantage of speed here. So you can also run back down the column to the first area, find a good spot to make a stand, and then shoot the pikemen as they move toward you.

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If the archers are still alive when you finish with the pikemen, one or both of them will come down the hill toward you. Take cover behind one of the rocks as soon as you finish and either explode the red balloons on the left side of the wooden structure as the archers climb down, or shoot them as they approach.

[Part 3 | Part 5 | Return to the Chasm Stronghold Walkthrough]