The Remnants - Treasure #7

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
From the handhold where you end up after the chimney jump, climb around to the right. The handhold continues around to the other side of the column, but don't climb that far. Instead jump to the left to grab the next column. Climb to the left and then jump to grab the third column.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Climb around this column to the left and drop down onto the horizontal stone beam below.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Hang from the beam so the columns you just climbed are on Lara's right. Traverse to the left as far as possible. From there, jump to the left to grab the L-shaped corner handhold on the side of the ruined building. Climb around the corner to the left then up into the ruins.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Follow the passageway around to the right to find another reward (7/30). From this ledge you can also target and shoot a flock of bats that fly in from the other side of the open area.

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