Bhogavati - Treasure #18

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
After rappelling down from the second gem receptacle and retrieving the health potion, walk out onto the ledge and turn around. Move to the left side of the ledge and jump over the ramp to land on the ledge beyond.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Head toward the corner to find another health potion hidden in the greenery. Then climb the rough stone handholds on the square column.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Climb upward then to the right. Jump to grab the L-shaped corner ledge. Climb around to the right and pull up into the alcove.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Chimney jump between the walls of the alcove to reach the ledge above.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Climb to the left and pull up next to the treasure (18/30).

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