Serpent Rouge - Main Room/Dance Floor (Bernard)

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Go behind the bar. Use the switch to call the dumbwaiter and get the 2 boxes of V-Packer shells (13-14) inside. Pick up 2 chocolate bars (15-16) from the shelf behind the bar and a bottle of vintage Cognac (17) sitting on the bar itself.

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Go around to the right side of the DJ booth, where you'll find some health pills (18) on the floor. (If you reloaded after getting that last achievement/trophy the metal debris will not be present.)

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Pull up into the DJ booth and take the Antique Record (19) sitting near the turntable.

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This next sequence can be a little tricky, so you might want to save the game first. Use the switch on the back wall of the DJ booth to turn on the lights and music. This attracts 2 more guards (3-4), who emerge one at a time from the TICKET OFFICE at the far end of the room. With good timing, you can kill the second guard before the office door closes, enabling you to get a few items sooner than you would otherwise. It may help to flip the switch then hold Draw Weapon to skip the cutscene. Turn left, run down the stairs, then turn left again.

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Move out into the room and take out the first guard. Don't stop to pick up the ammo he drops.

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As soon as he falls, the TICKET OFFICE door opens again, and the second guard emerges. Immediately run toward him and start firing.

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If you're fast, you can take him down before the door closes behind him.

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Both guards drop M-V9 ammo (20-21)...

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...and you'll find a TICKET OFFICE KEY (22) and €160 cash on the office floor.

NOTE: If you don't manage to kill the second guard in time, it's no problem. The items in the ticket office are not required, and you'll have another opportunity to get them later. This way is just more convenient.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)