Rennes' Pawnshop - Revisit after Meeting Bouchard

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After paying a call on Louis Bouchard, Lara returns to the PARISIAN GHETTO. When you've done everything you want to do here (e.g., revisit the WILLOWTREE HERBALIST, etc.), return to RENNES' PAWNSHOP. It's in the southwest corner of the district, on the Cours de la Seine, just beyond where Janice is standing.

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Cut scene: Lara encounters Eckhardt coming out of the shop, though she doesn't know him yet. She enters the shop to find it ransacked and places the passports on the counter.

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Go into the back room...

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... to discover Daniel Rennes' fate. A strange symbol is scrawled in blood on the floor near his body. Pick up Rennes' wallet (1) and examine it (go to Inventory, then Items, select the wallet, and use it) to see a scrap of paper (2) with a code: 14529.

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Use this code to open the door with the keypad at the back of the room.

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Inside is load of stuff intended for Von Croy: a map of the archaeological dig, a map of the sewers around the Louvre, two guns—the DART SS and K2 IMPACTORtranq darts and a battery for those guns, plus some explosives (3-9). Whichever item you take last will trigger sensors that arm the bomb in the next room, so take care how you collect the items.

NOTE: The scrap of paper doesn't register on the in-game statistics screen, so you'll finish the level with 8/9 pickups, even if you get everything. (statistics)

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I recommend picking up the explosives last. Before you take them, position Lara above them facing the button on the wall and save the game. Then if you flub the timed run, you can reload and try again. Pick up the explosives...

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...and immediately sidestep to the right twice before the cut scene starts.

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It shows the detonation countdown starting.

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When the cut scene finishes, you'll already be in position. Press the button then pivot to the right as the door opens ever so slowly.

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Run out and swerve to the right toward the trapdoor.

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As soon as you see the hand icon, press Action to open the trapdoor.

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Then jump forward into the hole (or press Forward + Roll at the edge of the opening to somersault off the edge)...

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...and land facing forward.

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Take running jumps down the hall to cover the distance faster. Then fall or jump into the hole.

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Immediately turn left and continue running. (When Lara drops into the pipe and you lose control of the camera, try not to think about what you're seeing. Just press Forward and Left to start Lara moving in the right direction.)

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Run or take running jumps forward along the pipe to escape the billowing flames.

[Bouchard's Hideout Walkthrough]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)