Bouchard's Hideout - Starting Area and "Let Pit Be" Achievement/Trophy

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After pushing over the angel statue in ST. AICARD'S GRAVEYARD and dropping into the crypt, Lara finds herself in the tunnels beneath the graveyard. As soon as the level loads, a rat (1) approaches. Shoot it if you like.

NOTE: The main walkthrough has details about climbing out of the pits if you fall in, as well as poisoning from rats and how to cure it. These screenshots focus on navigating this area for the "Let Pit Be" achievement/trophy.

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From the starting point, follow the tunnel away from the pile of rubble, past a door that doesn't open, toward the first bend in the passageway.

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Just beyond the first bend, run forward as the crumbling floor collapses beneath you. Then stop on the solid floor just before the next pit.

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There are 2 more rats (2-3) in the pits, one ahead, one behind. If you're going for the achievement/trophy, ignore them. Face the right wall, sidestep to the left, then jump straight up to grab the horizontal pipe. Traverse across the second pit. Lara should have just enough "grab" to make it across.

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After clearing the second pit, you might want to save again. Walk forward toward the third pit. As you approach, the floor collapses. As long as you're holding Walk, Lara won't slide in.

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There's a crevice on the wall to the right, but it doesn't go all the way to the other side, so don't bother with it. Walk to the edge, jump forward, and grab the edge on the far side of the pit, and pull up near a fourth pit.

NOTE: The main walkthrough describes what to do if Lara falls into the nasty water and you don't want to reload.

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Crossing the fourth pit is the trickiest, so definitely save the game. Jump straight up to grab the electrical cable that runs along above the pit.

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Traverse forward until Lara is hanging above the small, uneven slab of floor. (Thank you, fixed camera. That's very helpful!)

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Once you drop onto this slab, you'll need to react quickly before it collapses. The controls are super janky, so just do your best and reload if necessary. After letting go of the cable...

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...walk one step forward, as the slab settles a little. Then immediately jump forward to land on the narrow, uneven ledge ahead. (Don't jump without first stepping forward, or Lara will grab the cable again, and you'll be stuck.)

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Once you reach the ledge, activate Walk so Lara doesn't fall.

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Turn right and quickly move to the end of the ledge, as it begins to crack beneath you. Then jump forward into the hallway. Don't linger on the cracked edge. Immediately move forward onto the solid floor.

NOTE: If you've cleared the four pits without falling in, the "Let Pit Be"achievement/trophy will unlock shortly, when you speak to Bouchard.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)