The CAFÉ MÉTRO is located in the northwest corner of the map, in the Place d'Arcade, at the opposite end of the Rue Dominique from ST. AICARD'S CHURCH and THE PARC DE LA LUNE. Examine the district map as you pass it (one of three for the "Cartophile" achievement/trophy). Move past the concrete bollards at the entrance to the Place d'Arcade...
...and you'll spot the café on the right, with a motorcycle parked outside.
Inside, Kurtis Trent is seated in a corner. You can interact with him, but he doesn't have much to say. Save the game first if you like. Then talk to Pierre.
Dialogue - Pierre the Bartender: It doesn't matter which dialogue option you choose here. Pierre will make a deal with you, and he won't even charge you for the privilege. Agree to retrieve his trinket box from the Serpent Rouge nightclub and he will help you get to Bouchard. If you have already agreed to help Bernard, or if you have not yet talked to Janice, then Pierre won't deal.
After agreeing to help Pierre, your notebook is updated (28/62, alternate): "Retrieve the 'Box' at Serpent Rouge. In broken lighting rig." You now have the BARTENDER'S KEY (item 1 for CAFÉ MÉTRO) in your inventory. Leave the café and turn left. Go past the concrete bollards. Turn right....
...and continue to the stairs leading down. (If you didn't already pick up the €160 cash lying on the ground in the little park with the single tree at the top of the stairs, do that now.) Descend to the Cours de la Seine.
At the bottom of the stairs, turn left and continue along the street past Janice and the club's main entrance. (Again, grab the €160 cash beneath the overhang on the left if you didn't notice it earlier.)
Cut scene: Kurtis Trent emerges from an alley near the nightclub and peels out on his motorcycle. (Tellement emo!)
Pass the garage entrance and turn into the alley on the right (Rue de la Clef). Use Pierre's key to unlock the second door on the right and enter the club. Follow the SERPENT ROUGE - PIERRE walkthrough to find the TRINKET BOX.
DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like or your browser's web store.)
Walkthrough text and diagrams copyright © Stellalune (email ). Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission.