Parisian Ghetto - Level Start to 'City Guide'

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After speaking with the homeless man, return to the train car. Climb onto the pipe alongside it and jump up to grab the top of the car. Pull up.

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Cross the top of the car and crawl under the big pipe to get a large health pack (1).

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The camera shifts to a wide view, and Lara says, "I can climb that easily." Jump forward and grab the chain-link fence on the wall. Climb up and to the right. Drop onto the wide grating ledge.

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As you walk out toward the middle of the ledge, the notebook icon appears, indicating you've unlocked 2 more notebook entries (20-21/62). Open Inventory, scroll down and select Notebook, then page to the right to see the updates: "Find items to pawn for cash" and "Buy health items."

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Turn back toward the homeless men. Take a few steps back from the edge. Then take a running jump to grab the next wide grating ledge.

NOTE: If you took the shortcut in the INDUSTRIAL ROOFTOPS and missed the strength upgrade, Lara won't be able to make the next long jump. Don't worry. You can return here later after getting the upgrade in THE SERPENT ROUGE level. I'll remind you later.

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Pull up. Notice the items on the other side of the chain-link fence to the right.

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To get there, walk to the edge and jump onto the narrow ledge along the wall ahead. (Do not grab, since Lara doesn't seem to want to pull up here, and eventually she'll lose her grip and fall, losing a little health. You'll then have to climb all the way back up.) Walk along the narrow ledge to the right, through the rip in the fence, and onto the perpendicular ledge.

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Pick up the goodies: €160 cash and a chocolate bar (2).

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Walk back onto the narrow ledge. Follow it past the torn fence.

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Turn to face out over the open area, then jump onto the metal walkway. Take a running jump to grab the other wide ledge and pull up.

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Move to the left end of the ledge and jump through the gap in the fence onto the perpendicular ledge.

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Approach the man in the puffer vest standing by the 'RUE PERDUE' sign. Speak to him to learn more about the elusive Louis Bouchard and unlock another notebook entry (22/62). (See the main walkthrough for details.) Follow the wall to the right and around the corner.

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At the end you'll find €160 cash at the bottom of some steps. Backtrack to the guy you just talked to and go through the door next to him.

[Parisian Ghetto Walkthrough]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)