St. Aicard's Church - Pickups in the Rafters

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In addition to betting on the boxers to win the trainer's gold watch (1 - St. Aicard's), as described in the main walkthrough, Lara can explore the rafters of the repurposed church to find some goodies. Step up into the alcove with the statue at the front of the church (i.e., beyond the boxing ring).

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Grab the movable block and push it toward the left wall of the alcove.

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Climb onto the block. Then pull up onto the ledge above.

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Grab the bit of horizontal molding running along the wall ahead. (This is a little tricky. If Lara won't grab, try taking a few steps back from the wall and then jumping forward and grabbing.) Then traverse to the left.

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Drop onto the tiny ledge above the next supporting column to recharge Lara's grab meter. Grab the ledge again and continue to the left...

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... until you can drop down near the small medipack (2 - St. Aicard's). Take it, then drop to the floor.

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Return to the statue alcove and climb back onto the movable block then the ledge above. This time, scale the rough, climbable wall to reach the tiny ledge near the stained glass window.

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At the top, activate walk mode so Lara doesn't fall. Then turn to face out over the rafters. Take a short hop onto the beams ahead. (Remember this from the tutorial? Hold Walk and press Jump without pressing Forward.) This will prevent Lara from overshooting the rafter and falling through the gap between the beams.

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Walk along the beams toward the far side of the room, jumping the gap about two-thirds of the way across.

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Then drop down into the organ room, below the rose window.

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Here you'll find a diamond ring (3 - St. Aicard's) lying on the floor in front of the organ.

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Move out to the railing overlooking the boxing ring. Stand a bit back from the railing and angle Lara toward the narrow carved ledge that runs along the right wall, above where the trainer is standing, as shown here. Jump over the railing and grab the ledge. Traverse to the left and drop onto the small ledge with M-V9 ammo and Vector ammo (4-5 - St. Aicard's). Drop from there to the floor.

[Parisian Ghetto Walkthrough]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)