Turn left to face the break in the railing just inside the entrance. From here, take a running jump across the lava pool to grab the ledge in the corner. Don't pull up into the alcove. Instead traverse to the right. . .
 . . . around the corner and pull up into the next alcove.
 Turn around to face the ledge extending from the triple-face doorway. Position Lara at the right side of the alcove, where the ceiling is higher, and take a running jump, pressing Action to lower Lara's arc a bit so she lands on the ledge. Go through the door and follow the passage to the secret.
[Return to the Labyrinth Walkthrough]
Copyright © 2000- - Stellalune (email ). Special thanks are given to the participants in the alt.games.tombraider newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walkthrough couldn't have been written. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced without permission. |