Menkaure's Pyramid - At the Base of the Pyramid

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You'll notice some enticing flat areas on the face of the pyramid just begging you to climb them. Wait for just a little while and you'll be able to save yourself some backtracking. For now, head to the east...

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...toward another deep excavation pit with a building on the other side. To get across , walk to the corner of the square ledge that juts out over the pit and turn right. Adjust Lara's angle so she's facing the slightly taller, darker block ahead.

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Hop back from the edge and take a running jump to grab that block.

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Pull up, start to slide down the other side...

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...then jump forward across the gap to land on the sandy ledge beyond.

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Hop over the sloping edge of the pit to the open area on the left.

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Kill another giant beetle as you approach the door to the building.

[Menkaure's Pyramid Walkthrough]