Climb up into the gap in the stone wall on the north side of the OBELISK COURTYARD. Instead of dropping down into the open area below, turn right and climb up onto the stone wall.
Walk up the slope toward the carved pillar with the blue and green decorations, then turn left.
Take a running jump across the sandy slope to land on the slightly angled stone block beyond.
Then take another running jump over to the long ledge with the red border.
Pick up the small medipack sitting on the block to the right.
Then follow the walkway toward the other end of the building, picking up some shotgun ammo and Uzi ammo on the way.
Safety drop into the doorway on the left side of the building (when facing it).
Like so.
Enter the building with pistols drawn. A black scorpion emerges from an alcove ahead on the right. Hop back while shooting to avoid being stung.
Head for the back left corner of the room. Jump over the shallow pit and climb onto the corner block to retrieve some flares.
Then drop down into the shallow pit and follow the short passageway inside.
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