Inside Menkaure's Pyramid - Climbing the Small Pyramid

Reaching the opening at the top of the pyramid is not too difficult, but any misstep will likely result in Lara sliding into the pit. So it's a good idea to save the game first.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Start on the west side of the small pyramid, where it slopes down toward the excavation pit. You'll probably recognize this area from the previous level. The building where you rescued the guard from the scorpion (or not) is off to the south beyond the pit. Walk onto the flat spot at the bottom left corner of the pyramid.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
From here you can climb up one tier.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Turn right and take a running jump across the slope to land on the flat spot beyond. Climb up again...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
...then once more.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Turn left and step up onto the next angled block. It looks too steep to stand on, but Lara can do it. Then climb onto the block at the top of the pyramid.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Walk to the edge of the opening; it's a long way down.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Turn around, drop back, and grab the edge of the opening. Then climb down the ladder into the pyramid.

[Menkaure's Pyramid Walkthrough]