After jumping the motorcycle across the deep pit at the northwest end of the street, as shown in the previous section, you end up here at this RUINED BUILDING WITH ANGLED BLOCKS. Climb onto the ledge with the short, brown pillars.
Hop down into the depression between the larger, angled blocks.
Go around behind the first block on the left and turn to face it.
Jump straight up to grab the lower edge of this block. Try to position Lara so she's hanging from the middle of the block or just slightly to the left of center, otherwise the next sequence won't work.
Pull up...
...and quickly press and hold both Jump and Action to backflip onto the angled block behind...
...spring off that block...
...onto the next one...
...then jump forward...
...and grab the edge of the opening in the wall ahead. Pull up onto the ledge.
Hop down into the area below for SECRET #2 (59/70): super grenades, a large medipack, and explosive arrows.
Climb back onto the ledge where you entered the secret area.
Then, to get down without injury, take a standing jump and hold Action to land on the slope ahead, slide back, and grab the edge.
Let go and drop to the ground. Then go around to the right, between the columns, climb out of the sunken area, and return to the motorcycle.
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