After climbing the ladder in the northeast corner of this large room, as shown in the previous section, pick up the shotgun shells in the short passageway opposite the ladder.
Continue through the passageway and take the TRIDENT (3/4) from the pedestal.
Now return to the ledge near the ladder and hop across the gap to the next long, narrow ledge.
Then take a running jump to the large, rectangular platform ahead. Turn left and move to the corner of this platform.
From there take a running jump to the ledge in front of the alcove near the southeast corner of the room.
There's a small medipack and wideshot shells tucked away in this alcove.
Exit the alcove and take a running jump back to the large, rectangular platform and head to the left.
As you cross this platform, a skeleton arises on one of the ledges ahead. Wait here and it will make its way around toward you.
If you track its approach... can knock it off the ledge with a shotgun blast just before it reaches Lara.
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