This sequence is also shown in a short video walkthrough.
As you enter the area with the yellow robot, you receive a "vision" of an electrical panel in a nearby alcove. That's a hint. What you must do is trick the robot into shocking the electrical panel.
Notice the metal cage set into the alcove at the left end of the room. You'll use this to alter the robot's path.
First, follow the robot toward the alcove in the far right corner of the room...
Pick up the save/power-up crystal and press the button just to the right of the crystal to turn on some lights. You don't have to do this to proceed, but it'll help you see where you're going.
If you spend a little time in the alcove, you may want to wait for the robot to pass once more before stepping out. Make sure you stand back from the edge of the path so the robot's spinning wires can't touch Lara. Then, when it moves away...
...follow it along the left side of the room, past the entrance, toward the far end of the room.
When the robot heads away from the metal cage...
...grab the cage and pull it out of the alcove.
Then climb over the cage and drop down into the alcove behind it.
As far as I know, the cage does not conduct electricity, so the robot should not be able to shock Lara through the cage if she's holding onto it or standing on top of it when the robot touches it. But if you want to be extra careful, you can avoid touching the cage when the robot comes near.
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