RX-Tech Mines - Excavation Site and Secret #3 (part 1)

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Climb up to the ledge where the flamethrower guy is standing and turn around to face the entrance. Then climb up to the opening above on the left.

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Kill the mutant lurking inside.

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Then cross the bridge over the deep chasm.

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Kill 2 more mutants, one on each side of the Quonset hut. They can't climb without legs. So if you like, you can just stand at the end of the bridge until they come out—one from the right...

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...and one from the left. Then hop back out of the range of their toxic breath...

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...and shoot them from relative safety. Just take care not to fall off the edge.

NOTE: In the remastered game, if all 21 mutants have been destroyed, either by Lara or by the flamethrower guys, you'll unlock the "Pest Control" achievement/trophy now.

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Now head past the carved stone heads to the far right side of the ruins, where the ledge where meets the ice wall. There's a light mounted on the wall above.

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As you approach the edge of the chasm, the light is above on the left.

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If you look over the edge, you'll see the ledge you're aiming for below. Turn around so the wall with the light is on Lara's right and jump onto the slope next to the wall, slide down backwards, grab the edge...

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...and then drop onto the lower ledge. Go into the tunnel for SECRET #3, a large medi pack, Desert Eagle clips and grenades.

[Part 2 | Return to the RX-Tech Mines Walkthrough]