RX-Tech Mines - Observation Room and Pool with Winch

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After dropping into this room from the crawlspace above, turn around. Ignore the door on the right for now and advance with weapon drawn. (Again, I like the grenade launcher here, but if you don't have grenades, just do your best with what you have.) As you approach the door, you'll see a super mutant run past the windows as it comes around toward you.

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As soon as the door opens, start firing and backflip away from the mutant.

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When it dies, collect the small medi pack and Uzi clips the mutant drops.

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Also pick up some Desert Eagle clips near the door. Then head outside and around to the left toward the small pool with the winch.

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Stand with the winch on Lara's left and the windowed building on her right. Swan dive into the freezing water.

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Retrieve the WINCH STARTER from the bottom...

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...and climb out above on the left.

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As you warm up, turn around to spot some more Desert Eagle clips bundled with some flares in a little underwater alcove below the winch. Jump in (don't dive) and grab them, roll, swim back to the surface, and climb out quickly.

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Go back into the building.

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If you don't care about getting all the kills, ignore the door on the left and return through the crawlspace to the hallway with the 2 buttons.

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Then go through the door near the first button (just before the opening in the floor with the ladder) to get back to the mine cart.

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If you do want all the kills, press the button to the left of the crawlspace. Immediately draw weapons as you backflip off the ledge...

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...and start blasting the super mutant that charges out.

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Go through the door you just opened and press the button at the end of the short passageway to open the door there.

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Jump across the gap above the ladder and go through the door on the left to return to the mine cart.

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