Drive down the rocky path to the right.
Then jump the quad bike across the river. You don't have to use turbo for this jump, but it helps to drive along the left side of the ramp and build up some speed before the jump. Drive forward to the right corner of this overgrown area and down into the hole.
You'll pass a small medi pack sitting on the ground at the edge of this hole.
If you dismount, turn around, and wait, a monkey will climb down toward you carrying the medi pack. Shoot it and take the health.
You'll need to find two keys and open two gates before you can drive the quad bike through the ruins. So leave the bike near the hole for now and proceed on foot. As you head through the tunnel and up the slope, you'll meet 3 more monkeys. Two come from the top of the slope on the left, one comes from behind you.
At the first bend, you may notice a small, raised crawlspace on the right. (It's marked '3' on the map of the ruins.) Pass it for now.
When you reach the place where you have to take a standing jump to get up the slope, make the jump and then climb onto the ledge on the left.
Go through the greenery-covered passageway at the left end of the ledge (marked '1' on the map).
Kill the cobra inside the cave. Then crawl under the low overhang to find the FIRST GATE KEY. (The key is indicated by an orange 'K' on the map. This cave is drawn with dotted lines on the map since it is above the main passageway.) Exit the way you came.
Hop down from the ledge and continue to the left.
Pass the entrance to the ruins on your right. A closed gate just ahead prevents you from going much farther anyway.
look for another smaller opening on the left ('2' on the map). Inside are flares and Uzi clips.
Return to the path and head back down the slope. Climb through the small opening you passed earlier, now on your left ('3' on the map). This leads into the building.
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