Lud's Gate - From Boiler Room to Level Exit (part 1)

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After pressing the button to open the door in the purple tunnel, as described in the previous section, climb back through the crawlspace and drop into the water.

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Drive the UPV back down the long, vertical passage...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot the bottom.

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Go up through the trapdoor in the ceiling.

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Then follow the blue tunnel back to the big room. There's another crocodile waiting down here. Harpoon it or just drive past it. The air pocket is now gone, so you may want to kill the croc and then return to the BOILER ROOM area to breathe. Then drive back down to the big underwater room...

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...and directly across into the purple tunnel.

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At the end of that tunnel, turn left through the door you opened with the button.

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Continue up another long, vertical passage...

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...until you can surface near some creaky, old machines.

[Part 2 | Return to the Lud's Gate Walkthrough]