Lud's Gate - Boiler Room (part 1)

For this next sequence you definitely want to take the UPV. You'll need it here and in the next underwater sequence.

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Drive down from the air pocket into the big room and immediately turn right into the blue tunnel. Follow the passageway to the right...

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...then down...

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...through the trapdoor in the floor, which you opened using the lever in the red tunnel.

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Then continue forward and upward...

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...along a wide, vertical passage...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot surface near the BOILER ROOM.

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Leave the UPV here for now and climb out of the water on the metal ledge near the burners.

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Jump into the pool below the burners. Grab the harpoons on the bottom.

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Then pull the lever on the wall below the ledge to turn off the flames.

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Climb out of the water and onto the ledge above on the right. Jump across the now unlit burners...

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...stopping to pick up a large medi pack and Uzi clips on the slope to the left of the second burner. Then slide back down to the burner and take a running jump to the ledge near the galvanized steel duct.

[Part 2 | Return to the Lud's Gate Walkthrough]