Swim across to the far left corner...
...and climb out on the ledge below the waterfall with the two stacked openings. Follow the short passageway behind the falling water to a room with a ladder.
Turn around, position Lara beneath the ladder and jump straight up to grab it. Climb into the passageway above.
NOTE: If you're having trouble making Lara grab onto the ladder try this: Position her below the ladder and a little in front of it. Hold Action + Jump and she'll jump in place, creeping forward a little bit with each jump, until she's able to grab the ladder. Continue holding Action and press Forward to climb up.
At the top of the ladder, follow the passageway forward. When you emerge on the rocks, turn right.
Climb onto the ledge just ahead. Turn right into another short passageway behind the falling water.
Use the switch there to open the underwater gate below.
Exit the passage, dive into the water. (This is a great opportunity to try a swan dive: hold Walk then press Jump + Forward.) Swim across the pool and down through the gate you just opened.
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