Go past the hut, keeping it on your right and the ship on your left.
Step out onto the snowy ledge that juts out into the icy channel and take a running jump across the water.
Climb onto the snowy ledge just to the right. Walk along the ledge until you come to a slope that's too steep to climb.
Turn around and jump up to the ledge on the right. Walk up to the peak and turn around again.
From there you can take a running jump to the flat spot at the top of the steep slope.
Ahead is an ICE ARCHWAY spanning the channel. Either take a running jump onto it or walk carefully forward until you're close enough to reach it using a standing jump. (Notice the medi pack behind a sheet of ice farther down the channel. You'll get this a bit later as part of secret #2.)
Turn right, jump over the slippery slope so Lara doesn't slide into the water. Then jump down into the tunnel ahead on the right.
Follow the tunnel to the end and pick up the things you saw earlier—a large medi pack, flares, a rocket, and a save/power-up crystal.
To get back, return to the tunnel opening and take a standing jump up to the right to land on the ICE ARCH.
Then carefully cross back to the other side. Jump up to the ledge on the left and carefully slide down the slope and to the snowy ledge near the water where you were before.
Turn left and take a running jump to the triangular ledge near the top of the steep slope.
Slide down the slope, make your way down to the corner of the ice shelf near the ship, and turn right.
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