Temple of Xian - Secret #2 Silver Dragon

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Swim back to the ledge with the keyhole and climb the ladder and kill a spider in the passage above.

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Continue to a ledge above a room with a large wooden pillar in the center and lava below. Turn around, step back off the ledge and grab the edge. Climb down the ladder as far as Lara will go.

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Then drop and grab the ledge below.

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The ladder continues, and you can see the Silver Dragon below, but that drop is too far for Lara to fall and grab. So instead, traverse to the left along the ledge. (You may need to pull up, move to the left of the ladder and then drop back again if Lara wants to climb the ladder instead of hanging to traverse.)

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The ledge soon narrows to a small crevice. Continue traversing to the left.

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When the crevice widens again, pull up onto the ledge, walk around the corner to the left and climb down the next ladder.

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Climb down as far as you can. Then drop and grab the ledge below. Pull up and walk around the corner to the right.

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Drop and hang from the ledge and traverse to the right.

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Pull up into the alcove with SECRET #2, the Silver Dragon.

[Return to the Temple of Xian Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.