Wreck of the Maria Doria - Secret #1 Silver Dragon

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After dropping down into the upside-down swimming pool area, you can see the Silver Dragon underneath one of the changing room doors. Unfortunately Lara doesn't learn to crawl until Tomb Raider 3. So you'll have to get it a different way.

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Go through the doorway where the bad guys came from and turn left to find an opening in the ceiling behind a couple of chairs.

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Climb into the dark duct above.

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Follow it forward then around the corner to the right. Take out the bad guy with the shotgun waiting here.

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Continue to another opening in the floor, but before dropping down, turn around and deal with another armed thug who appeared in the passage behind you.

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Then drop down and take the Silver DragonSECRET #1. Climb back into the duct, follow it to the other and drop into the tiled room where you started.

[Return to the Maria Doria Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.